25 random things about me  

Posted by: Shell V-Power

I decided to fill this out because I loved reading what everyone else wrote and started thinking if could I even think of 25 things interesting about me. I wanted to challenge myself but bare in mind I put things in here that you might not know about me. So although there's no mention of my husband and kids, they are above all the rest the most important to me besides the Lord God!!! So...here goes...

  1. Even after the Challenger explosion I wanted to become an astronaut. Then I got lazy.
  2. I love cutting my own hair (as well as my girl's hair) and doing my own nails. People tell me to go to cosmo school, but do I want to do that on OTHER people?
  3. I've been embarrassed that I wear a size 9 shoe, but then again, I AM taller than most of my filipino friends!
  4. I planned my 2nd and 3rd pregnancy by reading a book and charting my basal body temp and body fluids. TMI? Well within 1 & 2 months we were successful!! Yup #4 was a surprise!
  5. When I was YOUNG and DUMB, I was arrested. I did NOT go to jail though.
  6. I have 3 tattoos. One I had partially lasered off cuz it had my ex's initials. And that hurt worse than getting the tattoo. I have a huge dragon on my lower back, a heart with a rose on my shoulder and Andrew's name over my heart.
  7. When Andrew and I were going out for only 1 year, I got his name tattooed on me for our year anniversary! Bold!? Well we're still together after almost 15 years!
  8. Growing up I was into to roller skating, then skateboarding and tried bmx bikes. Total tom-boy!
  9. I first strapped on a snowboard when I was 14, back in 1988 in Alaska. I really, REALLY wish I stuck to that.
  10. From grades k-12, I went to 12 different schools!! Dad's in the navy.
  11. My worse injuries growing up were, spraining my wrist from roller skating and sprained my ankle jumping off a sand dune at the beach.
  12. I'm competitive. That's how I got my dog...beating Andrew 3 times in a Crash Bandicoot race on Playstation.
  13. I was "born-again" on June 29, 2008. That's the anniversary of when Andrew and I met. Talk about special days!
  14. I have a "thing" for tiny objects, little mini things- like those tents they have in the camping section of Target are just so DARN CUTE TO ME!!!
  15. I had a hard, messed up life growing up and I'm just so thankful to God for how blessed I am today and how far I've come!
  16. My favorite childhood actor of all time was River Phoenix. I was crushed at 18 when I found out he died. Such a waste of a beautiful life!
  17. I'm in LOVE with Sci-fi shows/movies. Especially anything with time travel. I really wish they would bring back Journeyman. It was the best new show of the year!!!
  18. My favorite and most interesting place I've lived was Adak, Alaska in the Aleutian Island chain. Only 20 miles from the country of Russia!
  19. In '97 I was a vegetarian for about a year, cuz I was an advocate for saving the Earth and animals. Then I got prego and kept being told by family to start eating meat again. It was gross, but I love me a good prime rib now! Just don't get me thinking about how it got on my plate...it's very sad to think about!
  20. I love the last bite of an ice cream cone and the first bite of a carne asada burrito. Everything in between is just O.K.
  21. On a whim with some friends after the infamous races in SD, we drove to Vegas in the middle of the night, stayed for an hour and drove right back cuz my friend had to work! I wasn't even old enough to gamble and the car had no heat so we froze all the way there and back.
  22. At one point in my life, i owned about 13 rats, 13 mice, 2 cats, 12 kittens, a salt-water aquarium with a Puffer fish and Lion fish, a 10 gal full of feeder goldfish for the lion and puffer, a snake that ate goldfish too and a golden retriever/rottweiler puppy ALL AT THE SAME TIME! I think there was more, but I can't remember.
  23. In Hawaii, we rented a pontoon boat. Onboard were Andrew's parents, my mom, Jas and Jules. I went fishing and CAUGHT THE BOAT! The fishing line melted around the propeller of the boat and Andrew had to use a knife and snorkel to cut it free. It was hard to do but it was life or death. The waves were bringing us towards a huge rocky shoreline!! To this day our parents refuse to ride another little boat again.
  24. Me and my best friend Cheryl were the only ones to go neck deep in the Colorado River on our 11 mile (easy) river raft tour. The water is a constant 50 degrees and felt like knives! I think I was dared and couldn't say no!!
  25. I am happy with the Lord. This is the first real time I've really had a relationship with Him and actually realize what it's all about. I know I don't know everything, but I do know what I should be doing and what I have to do. And since accepting Christ in my life, it's been such an awesome adventure. Ah. I won't do it justice here, but I pray that everyone has this feeling sometime in their lives!

This entry was posted on Saturday, February 07, 2009 . You can leave a response and follow any responses to this entry through the Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) .


LoL, funny random stuff! I'm still awake from the coffee I drank from bible study, gonna try to do my 25 random things.

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