Labor day!!! July 18, 2009  

Posted by: Shell V-Power

A few months ago I had told my girls to pick a date that they thought the baby would come and mark the calendar. I picked the 18th...for the reason that my due date was the same as Julia's (23rd), but she arrived on the 18th. So I just picked it again...little did I know I'd be right!! The week up to D day I had contractions all the time. It was very frustrating thinking "this is the day" EVERY day and then nothing. On the night of the 17th, nearing midnight I was having contractions yet again, they were about 8 mins apart average, so I was convinced it would happen soon. Andrew went to bed and I decided to stay downstairs and keep timing contractions which were still not very regular. I was able to fall asleep and started timing again around 6:30am and they were about 6 mins average but not too strong yet. I woke up Andrew around 8:30am because I had a little bleeding and the contractions were getting closer together under 5 mins. So I said it's time to go! Rudy came over to watch the girls and I texted my mom in San Diego to come up. We left the house at 9am and checked in the front at Rancho Springs Medical Center to do some paperwork. I was then sent to the hallway in front of Labor and Delivery when I was done and they told me to wait in the hallway till I was called. I think it was about 10am when nurse Debbie came out to inform me that they were still waiting on a LDR room for me. So I would be checked out in a postpartum room for now. I got changed and hooked up and they said I was 4cm, 70% effaced and -2 (baby lingo). I was surprised I only dilated 1cm since my appt on Monday. So Debbie said she would call my dr and see if he wanted to check me and decide if I would stay or not. My contractions were still under 5 mins and pretty strong. So I stayed there until Dr. Andersen came in around 11:45 when he checked me again and I was still at 4cm. He broke my water which was a surprise to me, but boy did that speed up the process. With each contraction it felt like a gallon of water was coming out, and yes it did get on the floor! In 45 mins I was at 7cms with contractions 2 mins apart and very painful! So it was around 12:50pm when Debbie came and checked me and said, ok, you are 9, we need to get you in the room for your epidural. Everything started happening very fast! They wheeled me out and I had to move onto a different table, then I had to sit up and hold VERY still for that huge needle in my back which was very scary, but I actually only had 1 contraction towards the very end. I was numb in just a few mins and they said I was ready to start pushing-it was 1:04pm. After about 3 sets of pushes, Joy Jaelle was born at 1:12pm! Labor sure does happen quickly the more kids you have. Jasmine was 8 hrs, Julia was 5, Jukie was 4 and Joy was an hour and half! She was 7.7lbs, 19inches long and perfect.

They cleaned up and gave me a tray of food. Asked if they could take Joy to clean her up and do vitals while I ate and rested. At about 5pm they came to move us to a postpartum room 133. I did have to share a room but they left 2 hrs later and that evening another pair came it. I didn't like the fact that Andrew couldn't stay since it wasn't a private room. So he left and I spent the night there with Joy. The new roomy's baby cried the entire time. haha. But it's not like you can get much sleep when every 1-2 hours a nurse comes in to check vitals and make us pee. The pediatrician on call came in at 8am and looked at Joy, said she looked great! I had breakfast and hung out.

Here's where the story gets crazy. At 11am after feeding Joy I noticed a few red dots on my stomach...I knew right away they were chicken pox! I informed my nurse and she called the pediatrician and my dr. They both said they would wait on what the other would say and that ended up taking ALL day for a result! But in the meantime, Nurse Lupe moved us to a private room which I enjoyed. Around 7pm Dr. Andersen came in and looked but couldn't for sure say if it was chicken pox and said to wait for the pediatrician. At 10pm I get a phone call from the pediatrician and she made me cry when she said she talked to the Infectious Disease Dr (Lee) and recommended that Joy be taken to the nursery away from me since I am presumed contagious. Ugh it was so hard to have my baby taken from me!! Then after 2 hours of waiting around for someone to come, they finally come in and tell me that they are trying to figure out where to put Joy since she can't go to the regular nursery with the other babies. They also tell me that I had to be moved to a negative pressure room/isolation so I don't infect other patients! A little while later they came in and said they are considering leaving baby in this room but didn't have staff to stay with her. Nurse Debbie asked if Andrew could stay with her. I was happy about that. So she left to ask and I got ready to be moved. She came back and said, "good news, bad news. Good news, daddy can go with mommy, but baby has to be moved to another hospital with a negative pressure nursery". They didn't even know where the nearest one was! I was emotionally drained so I didn't even cry. I just told Andrew to keep me posted. So via cell phone, he told me later that they weren't moving her and he was able to stay in the room with her! Thank GOD! So he had a unique experience being the only dad in a postpartum room! He even got food! haha.

So the morning of Monday, Dr. Lee came to finally diagnose me. And yes I had the chicken pox. The timing couldn't have been more difficult for what to do. If I got the rash a month ago, they would just say Joy would get some immunities but because I got it a day after delivery, it is the most dangerous time to get them for her sake. Dr Lee said they have a drug they could give Joy but they had to find it. It's called VZIG and the company that manufactures it stopped doing so. Later I get a text from Andrew and they said they found a different one called Vari-zig which can be administered up to 96 hrs after exposure and it had only been 48. I also got medication to help make the pox less severe (Valtrex), since in adults it can be dangerous. And Joy got the shot. It stays in her system for up to 3 weeks and helps prevent the pox from forming or making them less severe if they do. Otherwise 30% of babies die if nothing is done! I researched and know just how dangerous this situation can be. We are on watch over Joy now for a pox that does form. So we are praying and ask for prayers that she is spared.

So at 1pm, Monday the 20th we were able to leave together and go home. Unfortunately I was told I had to stay away from the baby till I was pox free, which is about a week. So Andrew has been doing it all, with the help of my mom too. I am so THANKFUL for my wonderful husband! He has been such a rock during this time. Not only is my postpartum well-being an issue, but the stress of it all doesn't help my recovery. But Andrew lets me sleep through the night and get as much rest as I can while I heal from the pox and delivery. He is the best dad and I am just so thankful God blessed us with him!!

I always see the lesson in things that happen and the only one I have come up with so far is that the new Maternity wing across the street from the hospital NEEDS to be opened. It's been delayed 7 months now and I pray it will open soon. All that drama with the negative pressure nursery, and they have one in the new wing! They also have an NICU and private rooms for postpartum which would've helped in my case by possibly avoiding infecting my other 2 roommates unknowingly.

As of now, the pox are starting to crust over and I'm starting to be less contagious. At one point we counted about 250 pox. It's still an average number, but they didn't seem as bad as I have read. I'm thinking the Valtrex has helped. With each day that goes by, it brings me that much closer to being able to hold my newborn again! It's a week of her and my life that I can't get back but I will make up for it. There was a point when I said I needed to have another baby to make up for crazy I was!!

PS. I want to thank everyone for your well wishes, congratulations, sympathy, offers, hugs, texts, emails, FB messages! They truly touched us and meant a lot to just "read" from you!! God bless you all and take care!! Love you!!

week 36.4-37.4  

Posted by: Shell V-Power

So this past week I've had tons of contractions. Mostly at night but never regular. Each time I think "this is it!" But here I am still prego haha. They usually go away while I sleep, so I know if I can't sleep I'm ready.
Anyways, with each passing day I was getting frustrated. It was compounded with the feeling of helplessness at not being freely able to walk around my own home without pain! So I sit and watch all the baby tv shows and trauma shows till its time to go to bed. I still have major pain sleeping and esp getting out if bed to use the restroom in the middle of the night.
On Thu my mom took the girls for 2 days to the SD Fair and beach and came home day of 4th of July. On Fri I got some alone time with AV, went to Ihop which was a welcomed yet painful outing. Then decided to walk around Walmart in hopes of starting labor. But nothing except exhausted feet! So the plan was to go to the park to watch fireworks. Up till we left I really didn't want to go. But about an hour before showtime we went. Thank God for parking! He is looking out for me! But that walk to where everyone was made me cry once I got there! So I sat in my captains chair. With my pillow and was there till we left at 1030. I was glad I went cuz I missed everyone and adult interaction.
So today was my dr appt. I woke up with major leg pain. First thing I did was took Tylenol and then went downstairs. I was at my wits end feeling depressed about my whole imobility situation. Wanting to do chores instead of sit. But then after a few hrs and a few prayers my day turned around! My leg pain was barely there, just uncomfortable from baby weight. So I was able to clean the kitchen. Haha and that really made me happy! I felt a renewed spirit and outlook. And I have to credit God for that! Always looking out for me and giving me hope! So I went to my weekly dr appt in a cheerful mood. Walking ok. Hoping I dilated but dr said still at 1cm and baby still high up. But it didn't make me feel bad. I am on such a positive high its great! I am able to get around more but I know when to rest. Plus watching Trauma in ER makes me thankful for my situation. God won't give me more than I can handle! I am going to take it day by day and enjoy it and stop trying to rush which is what's making me anxious.
Oh, quick note...Andrew has shingles! yay for me! Now I have to worry about chickenpox and my and the baby's health. I need to call the dr tomorrow...will keep posting! Until next time...