Pregnancy week 33  

Posted by: Shell V-Power

Oh man, it's been WAY too long since I updated this thing. I really hope our "baby J" doesn't get mad that I have no prego journal of her...but it's all good I'll try to update right here. So I can't believe I'm in my last trimester already. Over the past 2 weeks I've started to feel "really" pregnant. It's hard to get comfortable at night. My favorite position is on my green couch with a pillow behind my back and my feet up. It's even more comfy than my bed upstairs! I just may have to start sleeping upright or downstairs in the last few weeks...ah the "last few weeks"'s hard to imagine this is it. Like when my friend Cheryl was saying that her 14 month old baby is growing too fast, I really want to let it all sink in as this pregnancy comes to an end. This may very well be the last time to experience creating and growing life inside my body!! What an amazing gift it's been to have this opportunity. And I do have to admit that it took a few weeks for it to sink in and to accept it. But now, I wouldn't change it for anything! I'm overjoyed at the thought of meeting this new little person in my stomach...I just pray pray pray to God that I am the best mom I can be for her and my other 3 girls...I'm also praying that I have a place to deliver her. As of right now, the new hospital isn't opened yet. I am looking forward to the new labor and delivery rooms they boast about at Rancho Spring Medical Center. So I pray that they open up in time for me to have her. Plus they will have a NICU just in case...but I won't dwell on that.
So anyways, I have already gained 22 lbs this pregnancy. I'm actually happy with how my body is coping with this pregnancy. I just hope it bounces back afterwards! lol. I gained about 30 with my last pregnancies too. I did start off heavier this pregnancy than with my other ones and before I had kids I was about 20 lbs lighter. So over the ten years of having kids, I have KEPT 20 of the baby weight lbs. Watching The Biggest Loser on tv is motivating!!

Oh man, i'm having a Braxton Hicks contraction as I type this...ugh! They are getting more frequent and more uncomfortable. They just take your breath away! So...oh last month I took my 1 hour glucose test. I had to fast for at least 8 hours and have my blood drawn. Then I had to drink this orange soda stuff and wait for an hour and then have my blood drawn again. The 2nd time the nurse/dr/person tried to draw it from the same vein (so as not to have too many holes in my arms...)and OUCH!! Not good. She ended up doing it on my other arm anyways. Results came back good, no gestational diabetes. Thank God! I got a list of what to pack for my hospital bag and started it last week. I'm still not done cuz I know I'll have time on D-Day to pack the rest. Packing is so exciting! haha. I have started to feel a lot hotter lately. The weather has been nice, about upper 70's to 80's. But I do remember coming home and the house feeling like an oven and snapping Andrew's head off about it! Poor guy. I hope it's a mild summer this year!

So far the baby has been VERY active! I can't tell if she's head down yet. I hope she gets and stays that way soon. I really want a vaginal birth again. It's just such an amazing experience. Even with all the pain and the tireness and waiting and epidurals, the labor is my favorite part because it all comes to a head...literally...haha...when we meet our baby for the first time. It just makes all the pain and suffering worth it! It completes the whole pregnancy experience ya know? Last time I almost didn't get an epidural so this time I am hoping that I make it to the hospital with enough time that they don't have to scare me by saying, "i don't think you'll get one in time". UGH! I can do anything with an epidural!! Anywho, my next dr's appt is June 8, about a week from now. Until now, I have been seen every 5 weeks. And now he bumped it up to 3 weeks. I'm thinking at the next appt he'll move it to every 2 weeks...ahh!! I think it'll go by fast. So yeah, I need to keep savoring each moment. Like the next 2 weeks are the last days of school!! I'm very happy with the timing of everything with this pregnancy. 2 more weeks is probably all I can handle with driving and getting up and driving. So then I get a month off to just relax until baby comes. And to get things ready. My baby shower is in 2 weeks. After that I can really start nesting. Although I have the crib and carseat ready. I will need to wash some clothes and get the baby room set up. Setting up and organizing can be so much fun! I have a crib for the master bedroom and a Pack and Play for downstairs. I brought out a box of newborn stuff. I really think I have all I need! They are SO TINY!! I can't believe my other 3 girls were ever that small!!

Oh yeah, one final note. We picked a baby name! It's very simple for a first name. It does start with a J. The middle name is not Disney, but it's from the bible (which has more meaning) AND it does end in "elle" like her sisters. I'm glad that Andrew and I are in agreement with it. We only know of 1 person who has this first name and they are not close to us or our family, so still our baby J will have a somewhat uncommon name. I think the way I came up with the first name is seeing this J person and thinking what a cute J name! haha. As for the middle name. I had considered it because of the meaning and then Andrew's dad kinda brought it up and that's when we decided to get creative with it and use it as a middle name. So it all fits and works out nicely. We hope she will love her name as much as we love it! Can't wait to meet you baby J!!